Building the Online School

Establish Roles, Needs and Operation of Tai Chi Youth DAO

  1. Locate persons interested and capable of MANAGING the Tai Chi Youth DAO

  2. Create GOALS for creating the Tai Chi Youth ONLINE SCHOOL.

  3. Create Roles with responsibilities and objectives to achieve TCY ONLINE SCHOOL goals.

  4. Participate in weekly Zoom meetings to solve problems and share achievements.

  5. Develop new tasks and objectives as discovered or designed to create TCY ONLINE SCHOOL.

  6. Share the success and achievements of completed tasks and create salary DAO positions.

  7. Fundraise for expenses in building school and paying salaries for stabilizing TCY management.

  8. Hire staff, programmers, web developers, NFT artists, attorneys, and crypto experts needed.

  9. Advanced students with belt ranking into higher levels to be hired as TCY Assistant Instructors.

  10. Develop all aspects of providing lessons, workout clothing, books and music to students.

  11. Develop an "Online Graduation Ceremony" for each semester with NFT Certificate.

  12. Develop Discord server with token based access to higher levels using NFT Certificates.

  13. Hire TCY Assistant Instructors with NFT Certificates at least two levels higher for ONLINE SCHOOL monthly student evaluations.

  14. Create TCY RED SASH students as instructors for Certificates, Instructors, and Management.

  15. Promote Tai Chi Youth ONLINE SCHOOL for the accomplishments acclaimed by our students in "Letters of Recommendation."

  16. Advertise Tai Chi Youth ONLINE SCHOOL for public and private school fitness programs and high school graduation requirements. (Richard's daughter graduated high school in 2009 by attending classes of Tai Chi Youth approved by the California Board of Education as supplying all required Physical Fitness Program requirements. Richard also homeschooled his daughter for several years after the Utah Department of Education approved Tai Chi Youth as supplying all Physical Fitness Program requirements).

  17. Translate classes into other languages for use in other "non-English speaking" countries.

  18. Allow founder Richard Del Connor "Buddha Zhen Shen-Lang" to retire when Tai Chi Youth ONLINE school can continue without him.

  19. Create a higher level DAO: Tai Chi Youth Board of Trustees DAO to:

    1. supervise and oversee the Tai Chi Youth DAO created to manage the TCY ONLINE SCHOOL;

    2. supervise and oversee physical schools of Tai Chi Youth worldwide, planetwide;

    3. supervise and oversee "Satellite Schools" e.g. YMCA programs, taught by TCY RED SASH instructors;

    4. fundraise for national and international events of Tai Chi Youth;

    5. maintain Tai Chi Youth Demo Teams worldwide for tournaments, exhibitions, television...

    6. Tai Chi Youth ONLINE SCHOOL becomes benchmark standard to be emulated and known as finest physical fitness system in the world that benefits the body with health, strength, flexibility, coordination and endurance; and improves mental abilities with increased awareness, memory and peace of mind; while also developing a spiritual nature of compassion, helpfulness, social compassion and moral courage.

Last updated